Kamis, 28 Maret 2013


cervical cancer or also called cervical cancer is one cancer that women fear most. Based on existing data, of all cancer patients in Indonesia, cervical cancer reached her third. And from WHO data recorded, every year thousands of women die from cervical cancer and a type of cancer which is ranked as the top cause of death among women and the world.

Cervical cancer attacks the reproductive organs in women, specifically in the area of ​​the cervix or the entrance to the uterus is the narrow part at the bottom of the vulva and uterus.

Cause of Cervical Cancer

Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the cause of cervical cancer. While the cause of death in women is HPV virus types 16 and 18. The virus is very easy to move and spread, not only through the liquid, but also can move through the touch of skin. In addition, the use of public lavatories is exposed to the HPV virus, can be spread person to use it if it is not cleaned properly.

In addition, poor lifestyle habits can also cause outbreaks of cervical cancer. Such as smoking, lack of vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin E as well as a lack of folic acid intake. Another bad habit that can cause cervical cancer is frequent intercourse with multiple partners, having sex with a man who frequently change partners and have sex at an early age (to have sexual intercourse at age <16 years can even increase the risk of cervical cancer 2x ). Another factor is the cause of cervical cancer offspring cancer, the use of birth control pills in the very long term, too often give birth.

Characteristics of Women Suffering from Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer takes a very long process that is between 10 to 20 years to become a cancer that was originally from an infection. Therefore, at the early stages of development will be difficult to detect. Therefore, women are suggested to do a pap smear test at least 2 years, to test VIA (visual inspection with acetic acid, etc.. Though it is difficult to be detected, but the following features can be clues to the woman whether she is suffering from the symptoms of cancer cervical or not:
When having sex as pain, often followed pleh the bleeding.
Experience abnormal vaginal discharge accompanied by bleeding and the amount of excess
Often feel pain in the hip area
Experiencing pain during urination
At the time of menstruation, blood coming out in large quantities and excess
When women have an advanced stage will experience pain in the thigh or one thigh had swollen greatly reduced appetite, weight gain is unstable, difficult to urinate, spontaneous bleeding.
Prevention of Cervical Cancer

Here are some things that women can do in terms of preventing cervical cancer not to befall him, among other things:
Live a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious food and adequate nutrition
Always keep your body health and environmental sanitation
Avoid cleaning the genitals with dirty water
If you are smoker, quit this bad habit
Avoid having sex at an early age
Always be faithful to your partner, do not bergonta especially followed by intercourse.
Have regular pap smear done for at least two years, especially for those who have been actively having sex
If you have never had sex, it's good to HPV vaccination
Expand the consumption of vegetable foods that contain beta karotennya enough, vitamin c and e.
However, if you have cervical cancer is detected, there are several methods of treatment that can be done. If cervical cancer is detected early, the treatment is done by eliminating cervical cancer is by way of surgery, laser surgery well, electricity or by freezing and dispose of cervical cancer tissue (cyrosurgery)
For the case of advanced cervical cancer treatment will be done by way of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but if it is detected severe enough, is nothing else but to lift the uterus (hysterectomy) thoroughly so that the cancer does not develop.

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